
Breaking: Xandrians Allowed to Direct Agents in Training during Chaos Shard Battles

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Breaking: Merchant City, Altareth: The Red Sun News has learned that the Chaos Broker Academy and the Convocation Council have agreed to allow Xandrians from planet Moufette to pilot Chaos Agents during Training Musters—battles where Chaos Brokers training at the Academy and Chaos Agents graduating from the Chaos Battle School hone their skills.

The Padoccia Trade Union was a staunch supporter of the Xandrians’ request to command Chaos Agents during battle, given the long-standing relationship that Padoccia have with Xandrians. However this request proved controversial within the Council as the true identities of Chaos Brokers are fiercely guarded by the Academy, and only Academy-selected Chaos Brokers are authorized to command Agents in battle.

“The Xandrians have been a close partner and ally of the Padoccia Trade Union since its inception. We are proud to count more Xandrians within our workforce than any other organization in the Firmament, and the result of this partnership is the Firmament-altering technologies that Padoccia has produced. Our Most recent collaboration was the Shard Rods that have transformed the economy of Altareth and elemental science forever,” said a spokesperson for Padoccia Trade Union during a brief public statement. “It has been our privilege to support the Xandrian request to be able to command Chaos Agents in Shard Battles. While we are pleased with the Academy allowing Xandrian Chaos Brokers to command Agents during Training Matches, we will continue advocating for the right of Xandrians to join the Academy and become fully licensed Brokers. We believe it is imperative for future Shard economics that Chaos Brokers are not limited to those selected by the Chaos Academy through obscure and non-public processes. This is a matter of utmost importance to Mr. Padoccia himself.”

Sources close to the Chaos Academy report that Provost Marblemaw reportedly rejected any notion that Xandrians would be allowed to pilot Chaos Agents in real Shard Muster battles, and several Convocation members were in agreement with him. However, the Padoccia Trade Union is one of the largest employers of Xandrian engineers in all Firmament and brought its considerable resources to bear on the political behalf of the Xandrians. It is understood that the Academy’s agreed upon compromise was to allow Xandrians to pilot Chaos Agents in Training Battles only.

The Chaos Academy released an official statement in response to that of the Padoccia Trade Union:

“Ensuring that there are sufficient Chaos Agents from the Battle School available to train with Chaos Broker Academy trainees remains Provost Marblemaw’s top priority. The Chaos Academy will assist Xandrian Handlers in improving their skill when possible. Xandrians will be limited to piloting Rhodian mechs as well as simulation Xandrian Combat Bots unless a Chaos Broker is unavailable to command their Agent during a Training Match.”

Xandrians were previously supplying Broker AI to help command Agents and Combat Bots, so their promotion to actual pilots did not go unnoticed by Chaos Broker Trainees. Sources close to the Academy reported that sharp-eyed Chaos Brokers Zhawk, Luchapetal, and MrThrifty noticed mechs being piloted by Brokers coded XN- and hypothesized that Xandrians had been given the license to command Agents. Other Brokers such as Pickles also reached out to Red Sun with observations. It’s now clear that while this is true, such license is limited to Chaos Training battles only.

The Red Sun News has reached out to Xandrian authorities on Moufette, and will keep readers updated on any developments of interest. No official statement has yet been released by the Xandrians.

The Red Sun’s Editorial Opinion: Though not publicly announced, it is now an open secret that the Convocation Council’s primary business has to do with upcoming Chaos Shard wars on undisclosed locations. Who will participate in these battles, where such Musters will be held, and who in addition to licensed Academy Chaos Brokers will stake their claim to the shards remains unknown and remains a matter of intense debate and speculation across Altareth and other planets of the Firmament.

The economic future of almost every being on Altareth—whether a barfly at The Three-faced Liar or an executive at Padoccia—depends on the answers to these questions, so the public naturally remains hungry for any scrap of official information from the Council or Academy.

It is known, however, from the frequency and intensity of Chaos Training Matches in the Altareth Chaos Training Arena, that the first batch of Chaos Brokers are nearly ready to finish their training and get licensed to start their Brokerage Houses. In fact, several Rhodian mech Agents such as Gillie the Grizzled and The Merchant of Pew Pew have publicly disclosed that they have signed long-term Agent Contracts with some of the most REPutable Chaos Brokers such as SpaceCow8oy and Luchapetal along with others such as the popular Mahdi Agent Hamfist, who recently disclosed their long-term contract with Broker Andrew_Gross.

The Red Sun News therefore predicts that allowing Xandrians to pilot Agents during Training Muster battles is the first of many changes to come as the Convocation Council prepares for the Altareth Convocation and the next Shard wars, whenever or wherever they might start.

Stay tuned to the Red Sun for more.