Chaos is Here

Chaos is Here

Chaos Agents Events Highlights

We are building Chaos Agents with the help and input of our player community, so keeping our community informed and engaged is very important to us. Below are highlights from some of our community events, with a lot more available to stream on our YouTube page.

Read up on the history of the Firmament, the universe of Chaos Agents… and play Chaos Agents to become a part of its everlasting history and lore.

Chaos Lore Highlights

The universe of Chaos Agents, known as the Firmament, is vast and varied in its planets, species, cultures, and their motivations. Chaos Shards govern and shape many aspects of the socio-political and economic events of the Firmament, making Chaos Agents and their Chaos Brokers–such as you–key players in this ongoing cosmic theater. Every faction and species have their own motivations when it comes to Chaos Shards, and you should be aware of them all. Here are some of the latest news and rumors from across the Firmament, with a lot more of its history recorded on the Chaos Lore page.

Chaos Agents Dev Diaries - A Look Behind The Curtain

Chaos Agents In The Press

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter to keep up to date with the latest from Popularium and Chaos Agents!

To go even deeper, you can get access to Chaos Agent trades, Discord only-rewards, invitations to exclusive events, and in-depth discussions with the Chaos Agents community by joining us in our Discord.

Hope to see you there!