
Missive From Provost Marblemaw to Zhawk, Luchapetal, MrThrifty, and Pickles

Invest in Popularium

Listen up, Zhawk, Luchapetal, MrThrifty, and Pickles,

The 4 of you have been invited by the Xandrian leadership on Moufette to participate in a best-of-3 Muster Challenge vs. 4 of the most promising Xandrian Handlers.

The rules of the Challenge are outlined below, and while I am not authorized to tell you much more, I can tell you that the outcome of this Challenge has far-reaching consequences.

High Regent Dusana has sent you a personal note emphasizing the political ramifications of the results of this Challenge, along with more insight into…grr…well again they’ve muzzled me like a canine ready to be put down so I can’t say much more.

The Challenge will be scheduled at an hour agreed upon by all 4 of you. Along with her letter, High Regent Dusana will send you her advice on how to best prepare for the Challenge and its consequences. As much as I’d like to help more, much of this matter is above my paygrade… while this might irritate you, it’s more frustrating to me than a game of Liar’s Bingo played with those uncouth regulars at the Three-faced Liar. So I encourage you to follow Dusana’s advice, and write back to her for more advice if you need it.

If this were a yodeling contest against the Xandrians, I’d say you had as much chance at winning this challenge as beating a Madhi at a game of thumb wars, but your training at the Academy makes you the favorite against the Xandrian Handlers.

For all their technology, they are not Academy-trained Chaos Brokers, and that means something. It’s up to the 4 of you to show the Xandrian exactly what it means.

Good hunting, and Let Chaos Reign! - Provost Hank Marblemaw

Xandrian Challenge Rules: The Xandrians have proposed the following rules for the Challenge. 1. The Challenge will comprise 3 Musters of 8 Agents each.

  1. 4 Agents will be directed by Academy Chaos Brokers Zhawk, Luchapetal, MrThrifty, and Pickles.

  2. The other 4 Agents will be directed by 4 Xandrian Handlers (such as XN-1031).

  3. After 3 Musters, the 4 Academy Chaos Brokers or the 4 Xandrian Handlers will win based on the number of Total Win Conditions earned by each side.

  4. The Challenge Win Delta will be the % difference between the Win Conditions earned by the 2 sides

  5. If the number of WIn Conditions are tied after 3 Musters, such a tie will be resolved by total REP earned by the 4 Academy Chaos Brokers or the 4 Xandrian Handlers.