
Multiple Explosions Reported at Padoccia Trade Union

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Merchant City, Altareth: Over the past two months, several explosions have been reported at the Padoccia Trade Union, spreading panic among its employees as well as at the Altareth Markets.

Edrei Gesa, CIO of Padoccia Trade Union, has refused to directly address the cause behind the explosions, offering a couple of sentences to all news outlets: “Padoccia Trade Union is about to bring revolutionary Chaos Shard Rod technology to market, changing our relationship with Time forever. It is expected that such disruptive technology will result in disruptive outcomes as we test and perfect the Rods for general use. We salute the brave scientists at Padoccia, including the top Xandrian engineering minds who are at the forefront of such innovation, risking their own lives in the process.”

Red Sun’s Editorial Opinion: While no doubt connected to the upcoming release of Chaos Shard Rod-based time dilation technology, there is likely more to these explosions than simple lab experiments gone wrong. News from the grapevine, and especially the ever-reliable Three-Headed Liar dive bar, indicate that the Myakon Trade Union is offering significant incentives to its members to disrupt Padoccia’s upcoming windfall from Shard Rods. It won’t be a stretch to imagine that elements of Myakon have made their way into the inner sanctum of Padoccia in order to disrupt the production of Shard Rods. What will Myakon’s next move be? How will Padoccia respond? Stay tuned to The Red Sun for the latest.