
Xandrians Submit Formal Request to Join “The Big Party”: Want permission to join and win medals at the Second Chaos World Championship

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By Jorge-Ben Georges
Senior Investigative Reporter, The Red Sun News

The Red Sun News can exclusively disclose that the Xandrian High Repository has submitted a formal request to the Altareth Trade Union Bosses requesting full participation for Xandrian Handlers in the upcoming Second World Invitational Gold Trial Championship, nicknamed The Big Party, to be held on the Altareth River Valley Shard fields.

The Altareth River Valley lit by an approaching Chaos Shard storm

This follows the recent announcement from the Altareth Trade Union Bosses that instead of renewing the lease of the Altareth Shard Fields for the Chaos Academy’s training purposes, or give away the Shard harvesting rights to entities, the Union Bosses would instead manage the Shard Fields for the duration of the Chaos Shard Storms, expected to last decades, while allowing all licensed Chaos Brokers to harvest Shards at will, as well as hold periodic “World Invitational Gold Trial Championships” or “The Big Parties”.

As readers might be aware the term “Handlers” is used for unlicensed Chaos Brokers who are permitted to train with Academy-licensed Brokers, but not run their own Brokerage Houses or recruit their own Agents.

While the Xandrians’ request does not call for Handlers to be given fully Licensed Chaos Broker status, a demand that both the Xandrian Repository and their allies the Padoccia Trade Union have submitted to both the Chaos Academy and the Firmament High Council several times, only to be rejected.

This time, however, the Xandrians are only requesting permission to be considered full participants in The Big Party. If granted such permission, Xandrian Handlers, typically indicated by their Xandrian Handler ID such as XN-1002 on the battlefield, will be able to compete in the Second Invitational as an equal of Chaos Brokers, and even be eligible to win one of 3 coveted Gold Medals and Title Belts. Without doubt, such a feat would strengthen the claims for Xandrian Handlers to gain Brokerage Licenses and run their own Houses.

A Xandrian Handler directs their Agent in a Shard Battle via a Xandrian-specific Battle Console
(credit: Padoccia Trade Union)

As expected, the Padoccia Trade Union came out publicly in support of the Xandrian request. “As a key sponsor of the Big Party, the Padoccia Trade Union would be thrilled to see our Xandrian brethren being given the opportunity to compete for the coveted Gold Medals and Title Belts. Many Licensed Chaos Brokers owe much of their training to Xandrian Handlers being available on demand to give them thrilling competition. It seems only fair that Xandrian Handlers are able to direct Chaos Agents, especially those who are not under contract with a House and would otherwise miss the opportunity to battle in the Big Party. It’s a win-win for all–Chaos Brokers, our Xandrian Handler brethren, and the Academy–if the Academy and Council choose to see it as such. Let the games belong to all, not just a few!”

A rare sighting public of a Xandrian on Altareth, working as an engineer at the Padoccia Trade Union

It’s also our understanding that the Xandrian High Repository has a secondary request officially rejecting the use of the term “Bots” for Xandrian Handles. Xandrians do not communicate directly with the press, but their allies the Padoccia Trade Union mentioned during their public statement that “Our Xandrian brethren, while denied their right to be called Chaos Brokers, should not be degraded by the term “Bots”. Xandrians are a sentient, technologically proficient species who choose to direct their Chaos Agents from pods on their home planet, rather than fly expensive Brokerage House megaships around to planets. That should not earn our Xandrian brethren the ignominy of being equated to programmed androids. The Padoccia Trade Union requests the High Council, the Chaos Academy, and the Altareth Union Bosses to come out strongly in condemnation of the use of the term “Bots” to refer to our Xandrian brethren during the Big Party or the Trials leading up to it.

Only Academy-trained and Licensed Chaos Brokers can currently participate in the “Big Party”

On cue, the Chaos Broker Academy released a statement strongly advocating against the inclusion of Xandrian Handlers in The Big Party, “The Academy does not endorse the commercialization of its prestigious Gold Trials–it’s not a Party, but a privilege earned by Chaos Brokers and their Agents who fight under the auspices of the Academy. It is simply not fair to the licensed, Academy-trained Chaos Brokers to have to compete with Handlers who use unequal machinery and volatile technology in an event as important as the Second World Invitational Gold Trials. We remain opposed to the Altareth Union Bosses’ decision to commercialize the Shard harvest fields of the Altareth River Valley and the inclusion of any Handlers in the 2nd World Invitational Gold Trials who are not licensed Chaos Brokers”.

Sorith, Brillouin representative of the Altareth Trade Union Bosses

While Union Boss Jak Camora didn’t return our request for comments, Sorith of the Altareth leadership reached out to yours truly for a digitized interview. “The Altareth Union Bosses will offer full transparency to the people of Altareth on the process for resolving the request from the Xandrian High Repository. The Bosses will of course consult with the Firmament High Council, the Chaos Academy as well as the major Trade Unions before settling on a process that will decide the inclusion of Xandrian Handlers in The Big Party. The Bosses are committed to making The Big Party the grandest spectacle the Firmament has seen since the destruction of the ARV Gorge Amphitheater, no matter the outcome of this request. The Xandrian Repository is in near-daily contact with the Union Bosses, and details on the process for settling their request will be released to the public soon. There is no doubt that Altareth City, and our neighboring Altareth River Valley, will once more be the hub of live entertainment for the Firmament. The Bosses are excited about the upcoming reveals of the sports coverage and tourism infrastructure being built to maximize the potential and accessibility of the ARV Shard Battles and The Big Party.”

Sorith assures us that The Red Sun will as always be on the frontlines of any further developments on the decision of permitting Xandrian Handlers in the Gold Trial Big Party. Discerning Reader, the above were the simple facts that is a duty for us to bring you. If you want to go deeper than the surface and learn the opinions of your humble servants about the hidden agendas behind the moves and countermoves that the Firmament High Council, the Xandrians, the Padoccia Trade Union, and the revered Chaos Broker Academy and their counterpart, the mysterious Chaos Agent Battle School are engaged in, read on. Note however, hereon we give you yours truly, and the Red Sun Editorial’s consensus opinion. While strung from facts and sources, opinions still remainthey remain opinions. Read on to break the surface and go deeper, brave reader.

The Red Sun’s Opinion: While not unexpected, especially given the Padoccia Trade Union’s alliance with the Xandrians, this request is sure to have far-reaching implications for the future of the Firmament’s Shard economy. Discerning readers may recall the conjecture from your humble servant that Padoccia’s support of the Xandrian cause is almost certainly tied to their agenda of controlling Shard harvesting through proxy.

Firmament-wide laws decree that only licensed Chaos Brokers and their Agents are allowed to harvest Shards, and such Shards must be added to the House’s and the Firmament’s Shard Reserves. No matter how powerful a Trade Union Padoccia is, they will always be on the outside looking in when it comes to direct control of the Shard economy, which of course, is what the laws intend.

But, given the close manufacturing and trade ties between the Xandrians and Padoccia, and the Xandrians’ apparent lack of political ambition, the Xandrians can work instead as a back-door to given Padoccia direct control of the Shard economy, something that no Altareth Trade Union, or any entity in the Firmament is able to. Other than Chaos Brokers, of course.

Therein lies the genius of Padoccia’s plan–if Xandrians are able to get Brokerage Licenses and harvest Shards, that’s almost the same as Padoccia controlling all the Shard Reserves of every Licensed Xandrian Broker. With R&D investment from Padoccia, the number of licensed Xandrian Brokers could become astronomical, along with Padoccia direct control of the Shard economy.

This outcome is exactly what High Regent Dusana and the Firmament High Council are trying to prevent, is the deduction of your humble servant. You no doubt know of the great kerfuffle caused about 0.3 Standard Years back when the Padoccia-backed Xandrian Challenge saw some of the most celebrated Chaos Brokers of the Modern Waves such as Luchapetal and MrThrifty switched their allegiance and offered to contribute their Win Conditions to the Xandrian team.

This was a taste, in my humble opinion, of Padoccia’s and the Xandrian’s grand plan–to gain the favor of the most reputable Academy-trained, Licensed Chaos Brokers. With the support of Licensed Brokers, the Padoccia-Xandrian alliance will no doubt be able to generate enough pressure to make the High Council reconsider their reluctance to allow Xandrians to be licensed. The Altareth Bosses mention Chaos Brokerage Houses being able to seek sponsorship opportunities, and without doubt Padoccia will look to use its vast wealth to influence Chaos Brokers.

I have no doubt, given verified intel from sources that spanning the hallowed Halls of the High Council to the Three Headed Liar on Altareth City, that this is why High Regent Dusana Altura wants to influence Academy-trained Brokers to not support the Xandrian cause. Given her political influence and position as an Academy Founder, Dusana cannot come out and say what is an open secret among the political and economic elite–Padoccia is just a step away from taking a stranglehold on the Shard economies of the Firmament. All that needs to happen is for Xandrians to become licensed Brokers.

High Regent Dusana, Priestess of Erudition, participates in a training Battle with Academy Brokers

Thinking about it, I could conclude that perhaps yours truly is simply a pawn in Dusana’s game, bringing you the open secrets she can’t utter in public. If that is the case, let’s chalk it up to yet another display of spectacular Clausian wit and move on.

We now see the next move in the Padoccia-Xandrian gambit – the petition for Xandrians to be given the opportunity to join, and perhaps even win Gold Medals and Gold Title Belts. If the Altareth Union Bosses reject this petition, it might turn into a public relations nightmare and earn the ire of the Padoccia Trade Union towards the other Bosses. On the other hand, allowing Xandrians to compete as equals of Academy Licensed Chaos Brokers will no doubt increase the pressure on the Academy and the High Council to license Xandrian Handlers as Chaos Brokers.

The Red Sun and your humble servant will be the first to bring you any developments around the Altareth Union Bosses’ decision on the Xandrian request to join the Big Party. The decision is expected soon, and no matter what the Union Bosses decide, the future of the Shard economy will be altered forever. Stay tuned, discerning reader!