The Dagna Ro Archives
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Wolfram “Both Ways Baby” Marflow
“Now, maggots, there’s only one rule,” said the judge, picking his teeth, “this isn’t a death-match. Bones were meant to be broken, teeth to be shattered, and egos to be humiliated. Please do all of the above. But I’m not paid for undertaking or body collection, and Surface matches are meant to show you might make a good Agent for a willing broker. So, try to channel your fury appropriately, will you? The name of the game is harm, not homicide.”
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Titus, Scion of the First Honor
The Brothers nodded, still tired, but willing to follow Titus to the last. It stirred his heart, and gave him a foolish idea. Calling on the old ways, he summoned the Breath of his own life and focused it into a radiant touch. Passing slowly from one Brother to the next, he placed his calloused hand on their heads and shared what Breath he could.
Chaos Legends: The Discovery of Dark
Wolfram “Both Ways Baby” Marflow dug one claw into the hard earth, anchoring himself to the side of the cave. Two kilometers down, the compacted soil felt like granite, and dripped with a sour mash, as if the weight of the Moufette planetary crust was squeezing it like an orange rind.
Fellow spelunker, Minister Dagget — geophysics fellow at the Xandrian Institute for Exhaustible Reductions — drove a rappel anchor bolt into a fissure, leaned back, and pulled out a hand-rolled cigarillo.
Weapons of Chaos Agents: The Basics
The species of Chaos Agents use many different weapons. The Dagna Ro Archives has assembled an informational packet to help aspiring Chaos Brokers to better deal with the enemies they may face.