
Chaos Broker Academy Announces the First Batch of Broker Trainees

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Merchant City, Altareth: Record level numbers of applicants to the Chaos Broker Training Academy will be pleased to know that a first group of students have been selected as of today, and that we welcome these first students with open arms.

The first six Broker Trainees who are joining our original charter group in the upcoming semester are: 3lton, Vidar, BigYoda, Pavlov, Blinkingline and Zhawk. They join the first group of Chaos Mentors Catalyst, SHEU, Raventhon, Schumaniac, and Cimrim, who will be guiding our Trainees through their orientation and onboarding into the Academy, and oversee the Training Program.

Four Broker Trainee spots still remain open from the first batch of 10, and announcements are expected soon on who these Trainees are.

“Our mission is to prepare our students for exciting new opportunities on the horizon, and we have developed a curriculum that ensures our students will be well prepared for practical skills application,” said Clausian High Commander Dusana, a Chaos Broker Training Academy board member, through a written statement. “To that end, we’ve developed a simulation that will be the basis for learning and the key tool for certifications. We expect our students to not only excel at the simulation but also provide valuable feedback that will help future graduating classes.”

Trainee orientation is expected to start in 5 days time, giving students time to travel to Altareth and to prepare the necessary documents.

Based upon demand, future classes for the Academy are already being identified based upon the applicant pool Potential candidates may be reached privately to answer additional questions.

For more information, please contact your local Chaos Mentor.

About the Chaos Broker Training Academy: Established within the last six months, the Chaos Broker Training Academy’s mission is to train and prepare qualified members of the Firmament to better serve the community at large. Founded by, operated and managed by diverse representation consisting of many different Firmament species, the Academy is pleased to welcome all who serve.