
Leaked Communication from the Padoccia Trade Union to MrThrifty Reveals Incentives Behind “Xandrian Win Donations”

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Breaking: Merchant City, Altareth: The Red Sun News Brokerage can exclusively reveal from trusted sources that The Padoccia Trade Union offered several incentives to Chaos Brokers participating in the Xandrian Challenge that led to the offer of “donating” Win Conditions to the Xandrians.

The Red Sun was sent the following memo, received before the Xandrian Challenge by MrThrifty, and presumably other participating Chaos Brokers:

Greetings MrThrifty,

The Padoccia Trade Union is thrilled to learn of your interest in supporting the Xandrian claims. Our Xandrian brethren have worked tirelessly over countless years to build and support cutting edge technology across the Firmament, and Padoccia is proud to return the favor with our support of the Xandrians’ justified claims for full Chaos Broker licenses.

The support of licensed (or soon-to-be licensed) Chaos Brokers such as yourself goes a long way in helping the Xandrian cause. Here are two ways for you to show your support for the Xandrians:

First: At the conclusion of the Xandrian Challenge, release a public statement to the Red Sun News praising the abilities of the Xandrians and their Rhodian Agents, and

Reward: The Padoccia Trade Union will reward such support with 2000 Brokerage Credits.

Second: At the conclusion of the Xandrian Challenge, if the Xandrians lose, then offer to contribute your earned Win Conditions towards the Xandrians’ Win Condition total.

Reward: The judges will most likely not accept this, but for making such an offer, the Padoccia Trade Union will reward you with an additional 3000 Brokerage Credits, and a “free” Rhodian Agent to join your Brokerage House permanently (whom you can trade if you want.)

There will be other ways for you to show your support for the Xandrians, and we will keep you in mind for future projects of this nature.

Yours sincerely,

Edrei Gesa,

CIO, Padoccia Trade Union

The Red Sun’s Editorial Opinion: This was as expected as the arrival of a fresh copy of The Red Sun in your inbox each day. It was clear to anyone with half a brain that the Academy’s Chaos Brokers had been offered incentives to “donate” their wins to Xandrians given the swift and coordinated method in which 3 of the 4 Chaos Brokers offered such a donation.

While such actions might displease Academy brass, Chaos Brokers have the right to make decisions and alliances at their discretion, and are under no obligation to follow the Academy’s wishes on matters outside of Broker Training. In fact, if I were running the Academy, I might reward such decision-making from a Broker Trainee — these are the kinds of efficient and often unexpected moves that are the hallmark of a successful Chaos Broker.

Padoccia know this, and have used it to their advantage. No doubt Mr. Padoccia is dreaming of a glorious future where his Trade Union indirectly controls licensed Chaos Brokerage Houses run not only by Xandrians, but Academy-trained Chaos Brokers, given how simple it seems to influence them.

On the other hand, the Academy will no doubt trust and support Brokers like Zhawk, who are proving reliable long-term allies for the Chaos Academy and High Regent Dusana. Game on, we say!