
Padoccia Trade Union Sponsors The Xandrian Challenge

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An official statement from the Padoccia Trade Union:

“The Padoccia Trade Union is proud to announce a one-time only 4v4 Challenge Tournament that pits 4 of the top Chaos Academy-trained Brokers: MrThrifty, Luchapetal, Zhawk and Pickles, against 4 of the most promising Xandrian Handlers from the planet Moufette.

This 4v4 Xandrian Challenge is sponsored by Padoccia as a celebration of the Xandrians’ new-found rights to direct Rhodian and other mech-class Agents in Training battles. While the Padoccia Trade Union advocates for full Chaos Broker rights for all, including and especially the Xandrians who have done so much to advance technology across the Firmament, we applaud this first step by the Chaos Academy and Convocation Council to allow Xandrians to pilot actual Agents during Training matches.

Our Xandrian friends were delighted at the interest shown by MrThrifty, Luchapetal, Zhawk and Pickles in uncovering their identity well before the news embargo lifted, and thus identified these 4 Chaos Brokers as honored rivals for the Challenge.

The Padoccia Trade Union is sponsoring some grand prizes for the winners, along with an opportunity to go down in the history of the Firmament.

We invite you all to come out and support your fellow Chaos Brokers and Agents! Place your wagers for or against the Xandrians and Chaos Brokers, with leveraged wagering available to maximize your potential winnings. Don’t miss this thrilling event and your chance to bet on the outcome!”

Xandrian 4v4 Challenge Rules: The Xandrians have proposed the following rules for the Challenge.

  1. The Challenge will comprise 3 Musters of 8 Agents each.

  2. 4 Agents will be directed by Academy Chaos Brokers Zhawk, Luchapetal, MrThrifty, and Pickles.

  3. The other 4 Agents will be directed by 4 Xandrian Handlers (such as XN-1031).

  4. After 3 Musters, the 4 Academy Chaos Brokers or the 4 Xandrian Handlers will win based on the number of Total Win Conditions earned by each side.

  5. The Challenge Win Delta will be the % difference between the Win Conditions earned by the 2 sides.

  6. If the number of Win Conditions are tied after 3 Musters, such a tie will be resolved by total REP earned by the 4 Academy Chaos Brokers or the 4 Xandrian Handlers.