by Jorge-Ben Georges Senior Investigative Reporter, The Red Sun News
In a development that has sent shockwaves across the Firmament, the Altareth Trade Union Bosses announced today that the lease for the Altareth River Valley’s (ARV) Chaos Shard harvesting rights, currently held by the Chaos Broker Academy will not be renewed. Instead, the Union Bosses will collectively manage the maintenance and security of the Shard fields, which will host Chaos Shard Battles around the clock.

Further, the Union Bosses announced, the Shard Battles fought on the ARV will be televised as sporting spectacles and beamed to planets across the Firmament for citizens to enjoy from the comforts of their home, on demand. The Union Bosses said that they received over 15 bids from organization across the Firmament, including several Altareth Trade Unions and the Chaos Broker Academy, but ultimately did not select a bid in favor of retaining full control of the ARV fields and opening it up for all Licensed Chaos Brokers to harvest.
“The Altareth Union Bosses are thrilled to announce the Chaos World Invitational Championship series–nicknamed “The Big Party”, to be hosted 2 to 3 times each Standard Year on the legendary Altareth River Valley’s Chaos Shard fields,” said Union Boss Jak Camora, speaking on the behalf of the Altareth Trade Unions, “Licensed Chaos Brokers are welcome to jump in any time they want for one-off skirmishes against their rivals, or hunker down to prove their mettle in a series of Trial Battles. All Licensed Brokers who earn a coveted Gold Ticket before the Second Invitational will earn a spot in what is sure to be a spectacle the likes of which the Firmament has never seen before. All are welcome to The Big Party–if you have what it takes!”
Camora went on to say the winners of the Chaos World Invitational Gold Trial will not only earn Gold Medals, but also the 3 Gold Title Belts that are currently held by Broker legends MasterTyler and Andrew_Gross, who holds 2 of the Gold Title Belts. It is clear that Camora and the Union Bosses expect the Second Invitational to be a significant annual event on the Altareth planet’s calendar, and that Altareth will spare no expense to promote and attract investment and sponsorships for the televised spectacles of The Big Party and daily Shard Battles.

The Union Bosses have further clarified that Chaos Brokers participating in Shard Battles in the ARV will retain full ownership of the Chaos Shards that their Agents harvest. The framing of the Battles as sport also opens up lucrative sponsorship opportunities–both for the Altareth Bosses managing the ARV battles, and for Chaos Brokers who want to supplement their Shard income.
Of course, per Firmament-wide laws, all Chaos Shards are automatically added to the Firmament Shard Reserve for valuation and accounting purposes, and Brokers as before are not allowed to engage in trading their Chaos Shards. At least, legally.
“The Big Party” does portend big changes within the Chaos Academy and its affiliated Chaos Brokers, however. According to sources close to the Chaos Battle School administrators, training grounds for every Chaos Agent whose location still remains shrouded in secret and mystery, all Chaos Agents with temporary “On Loan” contracts with Brokerage Houses will return to the Battle School Bench. This means that Chaos Brokers will only retain the Agents in their House whom they hold a permanent, ACT-based contract with, and all other Agents will be available for new contracts. This should lead to some very interesting shifts in alliances and the Agents that each Broker will have on their Roster for the next Big Party World Championship.The news that the ARV Shard fields will be turned into a sporting spectacle has not gone down well with the Chaos Academy management and many of the influential High Council members, including High Regent Dusana and Titus of the Madhi.

In a statement released on behalf of the Chaos Broker Academy, Dusana said that the Chaos Academy is disappointed at the Altareth Trade Union Bosses’ decision to not renew its lease for the Altareth River Valley. Even more concerning, Dusana said, are the Union’s decision to turn the ARV Shard Fields into a perpetual sporting spectacle under the auspices of Chaos Shard Battles.
“While advancements in Shard Harvesting technology have made battling for Shards exponentially safer than it was the dark ages of the Shard economy, we should not forget that Chaos Agents put their lives on the line every time they beam down into a Shard Storm.”, says Regent Dusana in the released statement, “Further, the Elemental connection with their Broker puts not only the Agent, but also their Broker at risk of injury and even death during a Shard Battle. Just because we have gotten used to seeing Agents “Knocked Out” and lying on the battlefield to be recovered, let’s recall that not very long ago, such a Knockout would result in certain and permanent death. The Academy, as well as the Clausius and Madhi people, are united in expressing our strong reservations against the establishment of the perpetual televised battles and the framing of revered Gold Trials as a “Party”. Chaos Trials are not parties but hallowed events for Chaos Agents and Brokers, and turning them into televised spectacles will have consequences that few can foresee. The Academy urges the Union Bosses to reconsider this decision.”
However, not everyone shares the High Regent’s cautious sentiments. Padoccia Trade Union CIO Edrei Gesa, speaking exclusively to The Red Sun News, said “The Padoccia Trade Union family applauds the Altareth bosses on a job well done. Not only is it fair to allow all licensed Chaos Brokers access to the ARV Shard Fields, not just the privileged few graduating the Academy, but the televised spectacle of Shard Battles and Trials will bring untold prosperity to Altareth. It is time for Altareth to not only lead the Firmament in trade, but in commercial live entertainment–and what is more thrilling sport than seeing legendary Broker and Agents in action? I, for one, can hardly wait for the Chaos World Invitational, all are invited to The Big Party.” Gesa also said that Padoccia would be first in line to sponsor up and coming Chaos Brokers who need a leg up to recruit the best Agents to fulfill their potential.

The Myakon and Dagna Ro Trade Unions had no comment, which is intriguing by itself as it raises the question of exactly what percent of the Altareth Bosses were in favor of what’s now being called “The Big Party” decision of turning the ARV into grounds for sporting Shard Battles.
One thing is clear however, the future of not just Altareth’s economy, but that of the entire Firmament is about to change forever, and in a significant way. Not only does “The Big Party” and year-round Battles have the potential to attract thousands to Altareth, the lure of delivering thrilling Shard Battles to trillions of homes across the Firmament surely has networks and advertisers more excited than a Tsallis visiting Ulfsbay.
What is not clear though, are the consequences of “The Big Party”–political, economic, and social. Is this the a flash in the pan or the start of a new era where Shard Battles and sporting spectacles are synonymous?
It’s also a widely known fact by now that the Chaos Shard Storm cycles are approaching on many Shard Planets over the next few decades, starting with the planet Vespersa, hallowed by the Madhi. What consequences, if any, will The Big Party decision have on the Firmament-wide rules for harvesting on planets like Vespersa, where Chaos Shard Fields span almost the entirety of the planet’s surface, not just in contained fields as in the ARV?

Only time will give us the answers. In the meantime, however, we all have a Big Party to look forward to. The Party will no doubt bring with it drama on a galactic scale that The Red Sun News will always be the first to bring you. Stay tuned readers, and Let Chaos Reign (quite literally)!