
Xandrians Request to Join “The Big Party” to be decided by vote: The 12-member Chaos Broker Council to decide the Xandrians’ future

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By Jorge-Ben Georges
Senior Investigative Reporter, The Red Sun News

The Altareth Union Bosses have today reached out to The Red Sun News with an exclusive announcement about their decision on the inclusion of Xandrian Handlers in the upcoming Second World Invitational Championship aka “The Big Party”. The Union Bosses have unanimously decided that a voting process will determine whether the Xandrian handlers are allowed full access to “The Big Party”, including being able to win coveted Gold Medals and Gold Title Belts.

A rare verified images of a Xandrian on Altareth, working as an engineer at the Padoccia Trade Union

This also means that if the vote goes in favor of the Xandrians, for the first time in the history of the Firmament, non-licensed Chaos Brokers will be given equal rights and opportunity to compete for harvesting Shards and competing for victories in Chaos Shard Battles.

The vote will include the 12 Licensed Chaos Brokers from the Academy’s Chaos Broker Council namely the 3 Accord Chairs - SpaceCow8oy (Alusian Pathfinders), MrThrifty (Sovereign Warriors), and Zhawk (Cunning Champions), along with council members:

Alusian Pathfinders: SpaceCow8oy, Pathfinder in APAC (Cchair), luchapetal the hedgewitch , Accelerator, and Gauldar.
Cunning Champions: Zhawk (Chair), Paintface07 , Pmm5000, and pickles.
Sovereign Warriors: MrThrifty the Sovereign (chair), Ubik , wordmuncher, and NWArkGuy.

The Alusian Pathfinders believe in survival and harmony, inspired by the Clausian Alusian Tree

Members of the Firmament’s High Council are also expected to have voting rights, though it is not clear exactly what the division of ballots within the High Council will be. Altareth Trade Unions, including the Xandrian-allied Padoccia Trade Union, will not get voting rights, nor will the Chaos Broker Academy. It remains to be seen whether the vaunted Dagna Ro Trade Union, often considered an extension of the High Council due to the Council’s reliance on Dagna Ro’s counsel due to their widespread intelligence network and commitment to spreading knowledge in the Firmament, will retain some amount of voting power.

The Cunning Champions believe in victory at all costs, and in maximizing their Chaos Shard reserves much like the Massieu

“The Altareth Union Bosses are handling the responsibility of resolving the Xandrian High Repository’s request with utmost priority and diligence, given its implications on the future of Shard economics,” said Union Boss Jak Camora. “We recognize that the inclusion of Xandrian Handlers in The Big Party has implications that go beyond the sporting spectacle that it will present to the Firmament. The Union Bosses have found it appropriate to allow those at the heart of driving the Shard economy - licensed Chaos Brokers who harvest and manage Chaos Shards, and the Firmament High Council who are the ultimate arbiter of Firmament-wide rules for Shard trade and reserves. The Bosses will do all we can to ensure that a fair and transparent voting process is followed in determining the inclusion of Xandrians in the Big Party. If the voters decide on such inclusion, no doubt it will make for thrilling contests among licensed Chaos Brokers and their Xandrian handler peers that will add to the spectacle we aim to create with the Big Party. “

The Sovereign Warriors thrive in combat and in dominating their foes, inspired by the Tsallis

Our understanding is that The Chaos Academy is learning about this decision at the same time as you, discerning reader, and will be relaying details to the Academy’s Accord Chairs and Chaos Broker Council on the voting process and schedule over the next few days. The Union Bosses are currently determining a timeline for the Xandrian Big Party Vote, and aim to beam the event live to planets across the Firmament as a preamble to the Second World Invitational itself. The Red Sun expects to hear from the Bosses as well as the Chaos Broker Council over the next several days as the plans for the voting are finalized.

The Altareth Union Bosses gathered at their chambers, overseen by Sorith of the Brillouin

The Red Sun’s Opinion: If you have been following your humble servant’s conjectures, most recently when the Xandrian High Repository first submitted the request to the Altareth Bosses for inclusion in the Big Party, you are aware that the implications of this vote will be far-reaching. If allowed to participate in the Big Party with equal rights as Chaos Brokers, the claims of Xandrian Handlers to be then allowed to become fully licensed Chaos Brokers and run their own Brokerage Houses will be strengthened significantly.

If the vote goes against the Xandrians, it will surely be a step back for their cause, as it will be a clear signal that not just the Chaos Academy, the licensed Chaos Brokers as well as the Firmament High Council are not ready to open the box of unknowns that comes with allowing a known species within the Firmament to become Licensed Brokers.

As we know, dear reader, the origins of Chaos Brokers remain shrouded in secrecy pierced only by the High Council and Academy brass, so it’s near-impossible to tell the true impact of a known Firmament species such as the Xandrian running their own Brokerage Houses and recruiting Chaos Agents under permanent contract. This itself is a reality few can fathom, even without taking into consideration the massive differences in Xandrian Battle technology and the Academy and Council-approved Battle Consoles and deployment tech used by licensed Chaos Brokers.

Leaked image of the Xandrian Handlers’ proprietary mechanisms for directing Chaos Agents

If High Regent Dusana Altura’s warnings are to be considered, and one would be unwise to ignore the warnings of one of the greatest minds the Firmament has ever produced, then Xandrian battle and shard harvesting technology possesses secret dangers that, for reasons known only to the High Council and Academy, cannot be revealed publicly. While this lack of transparency can only help the Xandrian cause, let us not forget that the Xandrians are allied strongly with the Padoccia Trade Union.

Despite having received death threats, yours truly will yet again emphasize the open secret behind the Xandrian agenda. The agenda of the Padoccia Trade Union to control a hefty piece of the Chaos Shard economy, and be the only organization other than licensed Chaos Brokerage Houses. The implications, once again, are staggering. With Padoccia’s invention of time-displacement technology using Shard Rods, and having brought Shard Rod production under control despite numerous sabotage attempts by a rival trade union that shall go unnamed, they already control a disproportionate amount of the Shard economy.

A Xandrian Handler directing their Chaos Agents, deep in the halls of Padoccia Trade Union

And while this economy is enormous with near-infinite room to grow, an entity that has as much influence over it as Padoccia does must be viewed as an existential threat to the economy. If Padoccia unlocks a backdoor into running Xandrian Brokerage Houses, it might be game-over for most other serious players in the economy, including any remaining control that the High Council retains over the spread of Shard harvesting and battle technology.

While we can predict the votes of the High Council in the matter of the inclusion of Xandrian Handlers in the Big Party Second World Championship, the Chaos Broker Council remains unknown. Will members of all Chaos Accords vote together, almost guaranteeing that they will determine the fate of the Xandrians. Or will the Accords vote differently, producing drama? How about Council members within each Accord? Are their ties close enough to make them all vote the way that their Accord Chair recommends?

We will find out soon, eager readers, and the Red Sun will bring you the news as soon as it happens.